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Service falls below expectations >
Updated over a week ago

Steps to take when a service doesn't meet your expectations.

At Hapi, we strive to deliver the highest quality services to all our customers. However, we understand that there may be times when a service might not meet your expectations. It's important to know what steps to take in such situations to ensure your concerns are addressed promptly and effectively. Here's a guide on what to do if you find a service from Hapi unsatisfactory.

Steps to follow when a service doesn't Meet your expectations:

1. Identify the Issue Clearly:

Pinpoint what aspect of the service did not meet your expectations. It could be related to the quality of work, timeliness, professional behavior, or something else.

2. Contact Hapi Customer Support:

Reach out to our customer support team as soon as possible. You can contact us through the Hapi app or through email, providing details of the service and the nature of your concern.

3. Provide all the Details:

Share specific details about the service, including the date, time, and a thorough description of the issue. Include any photos or other documentation you have.

4. Wait for our a Response:

Our customer support team will review your complaint, liaise with the service professionals if necessary, and work towards a resolution. We aim to respond promptly and may offer a re- service, refund, or other compensation, depending on the situation.

Your experience with Hapi should always be positive and fulfilling. If a service does not meet your expectations, we are committed to making it right. Contacting us with your concerns allows us to address and rectify any issues, ensuring that your experience with Hapi is nothing short of outstanding.

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